Hello Readers,
SHEER is alive!
Sexuality Health Education to End Rape (SHEER) is a survivor centered, sex positive, pro-consent coalition formed to prevent sexual assault, abuse, harassment and victim blaming and to address myths about rape by promoting an affirmative consent standard as the cornerstone of healthy sexual interactions. An affirmative consent standard calls for the use of enthusiastic consent that is active, mutual and ongoing throughout a sexual encounter.
SHEER is an anti-oppressive coalition that values open and ongoing dialog about the ways in which physical and mental ability, race, class, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity, among other factors, shape and inform our relationships with rape culture and with healthy sexuality.
Please learn more at SHEERonline.org. The site is currently under construction, but I invite you to watch it as it grows.
I will be taking a break from this blog while SHEER gets off the ground. Please feel free to contact me via facebook or write messages to me through SHEER.
Thanks and Peace,